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Magick is a powerful resource to all present ways of life. Though what we know as magick today pales in comparison to the old Sorceries of antiquity; magicks that crafted our very realm and ended others.

And now, through maddening cults and unspeakable evil, these sorceries return to our realm.


Sorceries of the Old Ways is a MOSAIC Strict spellcasting system. Summoners make great personal sacrifices in order to conjure great powers from other worlds. Of course, tampering with outside powers always carries a risk - and the risks in sorceries are quite dire indeed.

MOSAIC Strict isn't a TTRPG system, but rather a set of criteria for developing rulesets. More information on the conventions of MOSAIC Strict are available on Trilemma Adventures.


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I like the idea in this but it seems to easy to destroy or wreck the world, which would be a problem for the PCs (hopefully) but any cultist could just keep casting till the risk happens. If it was that easy to do it, would be happening everywhere. It's still a great idea though. Maybe the Risks are very small areas and fade it time? Or are pretty easy to repair.

These are intentionally world-ending scenarios, but if I were to actually have this used each session or even more than once I’d probably reduce the risk to just the local area hex or something similar. Thanks for the comments!

I really like this!

Thanks so much!